Exploring axe heads from Prehistoric Britain Despite being thousands of years old, Stone Age tools can often be found in museum collections around the country. Axes would have been an especially vital to the agricultural revolution during the Neolithic or New Stone...
Explore extinction with birds once found in the UK Tragically, across the country, museum collections help to shed light on the extinction of a number of species of bird. In many cases, human activities have played a part, through behaviours that lead to habitat loss...
Discover the history of butter-making Butter has had a long history – likely at least 9,000 years – and was traditionally made in Britain from March until September when cows were being milked. Many museum collections contain an array of associated...
Explore Prehistoric ‘worked’ flint It is relatively common to find prehistoric ‘worked’ flint in areas where early humans lived. Finding examples, however, is still exciting. Such pieces bring us into direct contact with prehistoric people,...
Children’s toys – the ‘make do and mend’ way For centuries, children’s toys were generally home-made, created out of other everyday objects. But many museums also have toys that were home-made as a result of rationing resulting from the...