Explore extinction with birds once found in the UK Tragically, across the country, museum collections help to shed light on the extinction of a number of species of bird. In many cases, human activities have played a part, through behaviours that lead to habitat loss...
A Staithes Bonnet Staithes Museum, North Yorkshire It’s quite unusual for a type of headwear to be connected so strongly with a place, but this is exactly what has happened with the Staithes bonnet. The bonnet’s unique design developed for lots of very...
Discover the history of butter-making Butter has had a long history – likely at least 9,000 years – and was traditionally made in Britain from March until September when cows were being milked. Many museum collections contain an array of associated...
Climming Kit for Egg CollectingScarborough Museums and Galleries collection The word ‘climming’ refers to cliff climbing to collect the eggs of seabirds. For hundreds of years, people who lived close to Flamborough Head and Bempton cliffs used to the eggs...
Preserved Hawksbill Sea Turtle Staithes Museum, North Yorkshire The hawksbill turtle is a critically-endangered sea turtle species, recognised by its narrow, pointed beak and striking patterned shell. The distinctive beaks help the hawksbill to extract food from...