Create Your Own hob design
According to folklore, hobs were the fairy folk of the North York Moors. You can find them in other parts of the country under the name of boggle and brownie too. There are many stories from the North York Moors about their activities and the word ‘hob’ appears in multiple place names where they were supposed to frequent.
These helpful hobgoblins or house-elves worked hard for the people of the region and could be extremely loyal, though with the potential to turn to mischief too. Spying on your hob was strictly forbidden – which gives us lots of artistic licence to decide what they looked like. Use the video to help you create your own in watercolour.

Find out more about the hobs and read a hob story…
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Hands on History
Find out more about the history of the North York Moors at Ryedale Folk Museum. Why not pay them a visit?
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