Explore George Soper’s representation of working horses

Explore George Soper’s representation of working horses

George Soper’s artwork depicting working horsesPannett Art Gallery, Whitby  Today, George Soper is probably best remembered for his illustrations for magazines and books, including classics like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Water Babies and Lamb’s Tales...
What can we learn from these 1930’s cookbook covers?

What can we learn from these 1930’s cookbook covers?

Selection of recipe books from the 1930sRichmondshire Museum, North Yorkshire Vintage cookery book covers can reveal a lot about their time. They show culinary trends and design preferences, but can also help us to understand cultural values such as gender roles or...
Why did a railwayman need a horn?

Why did a railwayman need a horn?

Look-Out Man’s Multi-Tone HornNorth Yorkshire Moors Railway This multi-tone horn was used on the railways by a Look-out Man working on the permanent way (the track). It probably dates from before the Second World War (1939-45) and is now in the collection of the...
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