Explore extinction with birds once hunted for sport and food

Explore extinction with birds once hunted for sport and food

Explore extinction with birds once found in the UK Tragically, across the country, museum collections help to shed light on the extinction of a number of species of bird. In many cases, human activities have played a part, through behaviours that lead to habitat loss...
Why did people need a pair of pattens for walking?

Why did people need a pair of pattens for walking?

Pattens – ‘Outdoor Footwear’Craven Museum & Gallery During Georgian and Victorian times, the shoes worn by the middle and upper classes were often beautifully designed, in line with contemporary fashions. However, they did not stand up to the...
These 19th century ‘straight’ shoes made a fashion statement

These 19th century ‘straight’ shoes made a fashion statement

Straight ShoesRyedale Folk Museum These decorative shoes show the importance of appearing fashionable when in polite company at a time when women’s feet were preferred to be small and dainty. Each shoe measures just six centimetres across. During the 18th and early...
Find out why this carved gingerbread mould took resilience

Find out why this carved gingerbread mould took resilience

A selection of Gingerbread MouldsRyedale Folk Museum Gingerbread started life as a luxurious treat. New mums were given gingerbread to help them recuperate from childbirth and it was also served in celebration at weddings and at Christmas. This is because the exotic...
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