Viking Gold Ring Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes This gold ring was found on a farm near Sedbergh. Jewellery was popular with the Vikings and is occasionally unearthed by archaeologists and metal detectorists. But this ring was found by a farmer, Mr Airy, whilst...
Preserved Hawksbill Sea Turtle Staithes Museum, North Yorkshire The hawksbill turtle is a critically-endangered sea turtle species, recognised by its narrow, pointed beak and striking patterned shell. The distinctive beaks help the hawksbill to extract food from...
Pattens – ‘Outdoor Footwear’Craven Museum & Gallery During Georgian and Victorian times, the shoes worn by the middle and upper classes were often beautifully designed, in line with contemporary fashions. However, they did not stand up to the...
Moustache cup and portraits Ryedale Folk Museum and others This unusual cup at Ryedale Folk Museum was produced with a special ledge or guard inside, giving us a clue to its owner. Towards the end of the 19th century, any respectable Victorian gentleman would likely...
Straight ShoesRyedale Folk Museum These decorative shoes show the importance of appearing fashionable when in polite company at a time when women’s feet were preferred to be small and dainty. Each shoe measures just six centimetres across. During the 18th and early...