What can we learn from Roman milestones?

What can we learn from Roman milestones?

What can we discover from exploring Roman Milestones? There are over 100 inscribed Roman milestones known about in Britain. Together, they give us a huge amount of information about the Romans – their roads, networks and population centres, as well as details of...
Compare prehistoric axes, from jadeite and flint to bronze

Compare prehistoric axes, from jadeite and flint to bronze

Exploring axe heads from Prehistoric Britain Despite being thousands of years old, Stone Age tools can often be found in museum collections around the country. Axes would have been an especially vital to the agricultural revolution during the Neolithic or New Stone...
Explore a variety of brooch designs from Roman Britain

Explore a variety of brooch designs from Roman Britain

Exploring Brooch Designs from Roman Britain   Brooches were extremely popular in Roman times, worn regardless of gender. Whilst today we might use a variety of fastenings, like zips or press studs, the Romans often used brooches or ‘fibulae’ to fasten...
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